Computer Architecture



  1. Input Unit
  2. Output Unit
  3. Processor

  1. Control Unit
  2. Arithemetic and Logic Unit
  3. Registers

  1. Data Bus
  2. Address Bus
  3. Control Bus

  1. Primary Memory
  2. Secondary Memory

computer architecture is the practical art of selecting and interconnecting hardware components to create computers that meet functional, performance and cost goals and the formal modeling of those systems. The first microprocessor chip was invented by Dr. Ted Hoff of Intel Corporation (USA) in 1969 and it became commercially available in 1971. It is a chief component of computer without it, computer is not a computer but only pile of electromechanical, electronic and plastic materials beautifully connected to each other. The working mechanism of a computer is not simple, it is a complex machine so, and its working mechanism is also very complex for new comers. Here, Only summary of working mechanism is presented in simple words.

  1. Main memory, ALU and control unit are main parts of CPU. All input data are stored in the main memory. The keyboard is a standard parts of CPU. When we input data through it, the data is stored in buffer storage of the keyboard, until enter key is not pressed.
  2. Data comes to ALU for processing after processing, a data is turned back to the main memory. Main memory is used as a dark room of theater where actors/actress are masking themselves before going to the stage and turn back again after finishing their performance.
  3. From the main memory, data go to secondary memory(Floppy, hard disk etc) for permanent storage or may directed to go printer for hard copy.
  4. We take data or any information from the secondary memory. These data may be processed in ALU then either return to the secondary memory or go to output unit.
  5. The control unit controls ALU, main memory, input/output unit, secondary memory and other pheripherals.

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